Ok, so I feel like the blog titles should really have quotes around them, since we're stealing them from songs and all, lets give credit where credit is due. So we are here, safe in Utah, I am sitting in the living room with Grandma and Grandpa watching an old western. Woot! Anyway, I have a little notebook that I was putting all of the Blog ideas in, but it's upstairs and I don't want to wake up Cami so I'll just try to remember. So we got up and decided we were going to Burger King for breakfast. Too bad the GPS led us to some dead end street with, you guessed it, no Burger King! Good thing I had apples =]

These stuffed bears were at the Gas Station. Why you might ask? I'm not sure, perhaps for great photo opportunities.

So we filled up with gas and I wanted a pair of sunglasses that weren't scratched. I found the only pair under ten dollars and HAD to buy them. Aren't they cool? Hmmm, what else? I learned that there are alligators in Idaho, we bought cherries from an old man with a playboy hat, OH! Cami had a school spirit moment! She said we should write on the back of the truck, "I bleed blue for BYU." See, there's hope for her yet!

We named the GPS Kuzco, from the Emperor’s New Groove. He earned this name for the Burger King incident, we figured it went well with the quote, “I'm the Emperor, and as such, I'm born with an innate sense of direction. Okay, where am I?” As such, it’s only fitting that we nicknamed the truck Pancha.

I bought hand sanitizer!! I love that stuff! I’m sure I’m forgetting some stuff but I can’t remember what. However, I think I am doing a fantastic job keeping this updated!!! Ok, here are the videos for the day.
Now this next one I hesitated to put up here, but why not, you only live once right?
Great Pics Sunnie!!